Passion for the past, brought to the present...

Our Story...

The story of Colonel Nicholas Devereux's Regiment of Foot...

In 1643, the English Civil War was already well underway - events that took place during this time, particularly in the South West, saw the birth of Devereux's Regiment of Foot. 

The regiment's founder, Nicholas Devereux, was awarded his commission by his relative, the Earl of Essex, in September 1643. Using the company that he had commanded in Thomas Essex’s regiment, Devereux recruited initially in Gloucestershire and subsequently in Wiltshire.

This was a modern regiment. Armed with pikes and muskets, the newly raised musketeers were apparently issued with Swedish Feathers, or half pikes, to be used as a defence against cavalry. The new regiment’s initial posting was as part of the garrison of Gloucester. It was here that Devereux’s had their first taste of action as they took part in the epic month long siege of the city.

Royalist strongholds such as Forest of Dean, Cotswolds and Wiltshire, were all stormed; the walled town of Malmesbury was captured in May 1644. The regiment was to garrison the town for the rest of the war, and Colonel Devereux became the governor. During its time in Malmesbury the regiment also raised a troop of dragoons (horse mounted infantry) with Gravner as their Captain.  Devereux's was now responsible for the city of Malmesbury and its surrounding villages.

In July 1644, the regiment was recorded as having a strength of over 500 men

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    A painting of Malmesbury in 1646 depicting the flags of Devereux's regiment above the town. - Displayed with the gracious permission of The Warden and Freemen of Malmesbury.

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    A Map drawn by regimental member Alan Turton of the Devereux's areas of origin 


The Regiment Today...

The Devereux's Regiment that we know today was  established in the early 1970’s and was one of the original units that founded the Roundhead Association.

Many of the original 1970's members resided in the South West of England, so given their geographical location it was decided to use the name Devereux's - as we know, this regiment were staunch defenders of the South West during the English Civil War.  In particular, the walled city of Malmesbury.

Our regiment today has members spanning all corners of the UK!  There is a friend for everyone as we welcome all people; families, couples, singles, students and anybody who wants to join in with an unusual and exciting hobby!  From having access to the nooks and crannies of historical buildings, to learning something new at  EVERY event, to making life long friends - Devereux's won't disappoint!


Who will you be?

 "Reenactment is never a hobby that I thought I would be part of...but when a friend asked me to come along and join her for one weekend I completely fell in love!  Not just with finding out more about our history, but the atmosphere and the amazing welcome that I received!  I've been a member for a year now and I can genuinely say I feel as if I am part of a family and have never laughed so much in my life!"
Megan, member of Devereux's
"It is with gratitude I say that I was most impressed with Devereux’s regimental drill display. Both officers and soldiers had devised a plan that worked perfectly and you were all so crisp and professional there was time to add extra features to the commentary such as the drums and colours. You helped my commentary enormously and did yourselves proud at the same time. You looked every inch an organized New Model Army company of foot. I look forward to my next event with Devereux's."
Graham Webb, Events Commentator 
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